Pelvis and Momentum: Partial Attendance


We are now open for partial attendance!

The event is for people who have some contact improvisation experience and are comfortable navigating a practice and dance space of physical contact. This includes being enthusiastically  inviting of people to experiment with initiating contact in different ways, with a spirit of physical listening and embracing of one’s own sense of agency with navigating curiosity and contact, what one wants and doesn’t want in the moment, etc.

Anyone for whom this applies is invited to come in the first days for partial attendance. 

For partial attendance in the latter days, we may ask for a higher experience level and comfort with personal autonomy, as we will have already been building for a few days.  Write if you have questions about that.

We would like to keep registration simple.

If you are fine paying the whole fee, then all is good, just go ahead and fill out the linked registration google form and pay, adding a note about when you know you would be there.  The registration fee for the whole thing is 180-250 sliding scale.  This covers dinners and snacks

If you are thinking you would come for most of it, but would miss just a few sessions or the first or last day, we would also just ask if you could register for the whole… we expect that most people doing the whole thing will take off some time here and there, as the schedule will be quite full. 

If you are coming for less than 3/4 of the event, then we ask you to pay a per day rate of 50-75  euros per day. Also fill out the registration google form and say when you would come in the notes.  If it is something a bit more complex, when you would come, you be the judge of how much to pay based on this.  Just tell us in the Google form.

If you want to do partial attendance, but the fees would prevent you from coming, write to and ask about work exchange options.  We do need to cover costs, but we don’t want people to feel that money gets in the way of coming.