2023 Leipzig Winter Focus Jam Festival


a multi-day gathering for contact improvisation

When: Wednesday 27 December through Saturday 30 December. 

Where: Leipzig,  (Tanz Zentrale, Studio 1)

Cost Sliding Scale… pay what you can in the range

80-260 euro sliding scale for 3-4 days
60-120 euros for 1-2 days

Place to stay:  People can stay in the studio for 10 euros per night, and this includes shower and kitchen.  There also may be options for staying with locals.  When you register, if you need a place to stay, write your preference.

(event coming out of the weekly Leipzig Wednesday CI Focus Jam)

Structure and content (click here for Schedule)

We have the studio available all day for use. 

We have a Focus Jam or Score Jam* 3 times per day

  • Morning Session: 10h
  • Afternoon Session: 14h
  • Evening Session: 19:30h

Each session is 2 to 3 hours.  Morning and Afternoon have closing circle.  Evenings are open ended.

Around that, people could use the space as they like. 

The event will be for people comfortable with classic contact improvisation of weight sharing and physically engaged mutual mechanical exploration.  We are invited to drift in different directions from there, but this is our shared base.  Everyone should be comfortable finding and exploring their own curiosity and comfortable with the mostly non-verbal process of starting and ending dances in a convivial context where we can safely assume that everyone is similarly curious. 

Themes: Foci may include Round Robin format, exploring and deconstructing the Underscore, working with fusion of Authentic Movement and CI, integrating bodywork into CI Practice.    There will be a mix of sessions with and without music. Perhaps we also do skills lab if people want to mix some training into the more open explorations.

Facilitation by Karl Frost and friends  (to be announced).

Note:  the Focus/Score Jams are not classes per se.  There will be some facilitation and possibly some exercises, but these are there to serve and launch personal investigation.  They are created out of your personal curiosity.

* A Focus Jam  is an open contact jam that starts with a shared focus or theme, introduced at the beginning through discussion and/or exercises.  The theme is a starting point, reference, or spring board, rather than a restriction or rule. A  Score Jam is a contact jam with additional rules or restrictions (a “score”) that take the jam places that open jams might otherwise not reach.  Foci and scores for the event will all be in the territory of classic contact improvisation.

Other Logistics:

Food: Keeping the costs down, we take care of ourselves for food, allowing space for organically organized food sharing or potluck if people like.

Place to Stay: People visiting from out of town can stay in the studio if they want/need.  If you need it, say something in the registration form.

Who comes:  The gathering is for people familiar and excited with classic, weight sharing contact improvisation.  We’ll mainly rely on word-of-mouth and personal invitations to spread the word.  Hard limit of 35 people, so register early to guarantee a spot.  The event already starts 1/3 full as we start to spread the word!


To register, do the following…

  1. pay fees: You can send via bank transfer to Karl Frost: IBAN DE03860700240162275200 
  2. fill out the linked google doc

You are only considered registered once fees sent.  Since there is a hard limit of 35, register early.